Tally Certification Course

Welcome to our Tally certification course! Our comprehensive program equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the world of accounting and finance. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your career, our expert instructors will guide you through the ins and outs of Tally, the leading accounting software.

Tally Certification Course​, Tally ERP 9 02

It appears there might be a slight confusion or typographical error in the version number you mentioned. The commonly known versions of Tally ERP software start from Tally 4.5 and go up to Tally.ERP 9 and the most recent, Tally Prime. Tally.ERP 9 is a very popular enterprise resource planning (ERP) software used primarily for accounting, finance, inventory management, sales, purchase, point of sales, manufacturing, job costing, payroll, and branch management among other capabilities.

Tally. ERP 9

Purpose: Tally.ERP 9 is designed to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in managing their accounting and business operations. It provides comprehensive solutions that integrate various business processes and accounting functions.

Key Features:

Accounting Management: Complete accounting features allowing you to manage your accounts, keep track of debts, and maintain ledgers.
Inventory Management: Tools to manage stock levels, set reorder points to replenish stock, and to plan purchases, all integrated with accounting to provide real-time reports.
Tax Management: Supports various tax systems like VAT, Service Tax, Excise, and GST, making it easy to manage tax submissions.
Banking Integration: Simplifies banking processes with support for automatic bank reconciliation, cheque management, etc.
Payroll Management: Handles payroll compliance like PF, Income tax, and ESI automatically.


Tally.ERP 9 is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It offers flexible features for customization, comprehensive reporting, and scalability.

Modules and Upgrades:

The software is regularly updated to comply with tax laws and technological advancements. For instance, it was updated to integrate the Goods and Services Tax (GST) when it was implemented in India.

Implementation: It can be set up for day-to-day operations and scales up to handle more complex processes as a business grows.

24/7 Smart Support

At Krishna Academy Rewa, we offer 24/7 Smart Support, providing round-the-clock assistance to ensure continuous learning and immediate help whenever you need it, enhancing your educational experience.

We understand the importance of practical experience in mastering Tally, which is why our course includes real-world projects and assignments to reinforce your learning. You’ll have access to a dedicated support team to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth learning experience.

Upon successful completion of the course, you’ll receive a Tally certification, validating your expertise and enhancing your credibility in the job market. Whether you aspire to work in accounting firms, businesses, or pursue entrepreneurship, our Tally certification course will empower you to achieve your goals.

Join us today and take the first step towards a successful career in accounting with our Tally certification course!

Have Any Questions? Call Us Today!

(+91)70246 56141


The Tally ERP 9 course focuses on accounting principles, inventory management, GST compliance, payroll processing, and financial reporting, equipping students with comprehensive business management skills.